full screen background image



Far from the duality man machine, " Come to Dance " and " Collusive Bodies " weave a continuity "ex-body" of exponential shape of expression of the movement by developing an innovative relation with the image.
It is the work in progress, the search(research) for behavioral and generative choreographic writing that applies certain fundamental of the dance in the digital tool to create a choreographic relation between a human being and a machine.
The objective of the project is to explore and to propose certain fields of specific analyses of the movement. Create a grammar and a vocabulary allowing to develop another relation of dance in the image.
Perception(Collection) of the space and the gravity, the search(research) for the flow, for the rhythm … The search(research) concerns to the quality of the movement, its conduct(driving), more than the produced, finished movement.

Artistic direction, choreographic Writing: Catherine LANGLADEE
Digital Graphics : Vincent LECOCQ
Computer Programming and Development: Didier BOUCHON –Atelier LE CUBE
Sound Plate environment forms opened on currentCode QR – en cours – C.Langlade

Coproduction :
Project coproduces by the Big CUBE / ART3000-Bets / Seine Ouest and Cie Spideka with the support of the Council General of the Essonne.